4 Blog post types that Easily go Viral on Social Media
Social media is one of the most popular means of traffic these days. That’s why nearly every blogger wants to get more social media shares and likes.
Did you Know that “Your post types can affect the number of times your post is shared on Facebook and the number of times your post is re tweeted on Twitter!
Yes, A Post type can determine how much time a blog post will be shared on Social media.
But the question is “How to write content which will be shared maximum time on Social media”. This is a question mostly bloggers are asking the dying to know the answer. So, I am here with the answer. I have found the 4 Types of Blog posts that get shared most of the time on Social media sites like Facebook, twitter etc. This will help you generating content which will go viral on social media, easily. Believe me that you are able to write content which will drive more and more traffic to your blog from social media, after reading this blog post.
Secrets of Making your Blog Popular!
A Blog’s becomes popular if it is serving the best and interesting content to its readers. If a reader finds reading a blog interesting, He will definitely visit it the second time and then again and again. That’s what converts a visitor into a reader. If you are focusing onbuilding readership for your blog, then you are on the right track.
But, If you are ignoring the importance of readership, then you are moving towards failure.
Not even a single blog and be successful one without focusing on making a connection with its reader.
So, Which type of Content reader loves to read?
Go and find the answer by finding out what others are writing? and how that performs?. This is the simplest way to figure out what’s trending nowadays.
Do keyword research or listen from your readers that what they are looking for. If you are providing them what they want to read, You are on a way of becoming a successful blogger.
Find which types of post structures performing best for your competitors, then improve them by your own and implement them on your blog. This will help you make your blog popular within a short time.
Tips Tricks Articles:
The first post type I would like to discuss in this article is the Tips tricks post types. Mostly people on the social media sites are looking for free tips and tricks and they will definitely go and visit your blog if your blog have some. Many of the people don’t hesitate or even love to share that kind of posts with their friends.
Because this types of posts grabs the attention of the visitor and attracts him to read the post. The reason is that people love to learn easy ways to do harder jobs. That’s why Tips Tricks were listed on the top of this listing.
There are some examples of these type of posts:
Blueprint to write tips tricks Articles:
1. Write an Eye-catching headline
2. Start with an interesting paragraph
3. Enlist the tips or tricks
4. Discuss further on every single tip
5. Always end up with a call-to-action
2. Start with an interesting paragraph
3. Enlist the tips or tricks
4. Discuss further on every single tip
5. Always end up with a call-to-action
How to Articles:
Another type of Blog post that often go viral on Social media is the How to articles. The reason behind this is that people love to learn new things and love to read about How to do something. This type of blog posts sounds interesting to the user and they will go and read them. The How to articles also worth’s sharing with friends and in groups, So people love to do it.
When you provide user How to do, for what they are looking for, why they will not share your blog post? definitely they will be.
Examples of How to Articles:
Blueprint to Write How to Articles:
1. Dig in the depth of what you are writing for.
2. Search for what people are facing problems.
3. Start the title with “How to”
4. Describe the blog post in depth.
5. Don’t use complicated terms of language.
6. Always end up asking for a comment and share.
2. Search for what people are facing problems.
3. Start the title with “How to”
4. Describe the blog post in depth.
5. Don’t use complicated terms of language.
6. Always end up asking for a comment and share.
Huge Listing’s Articles:
Articles containing huge lists in any category attracts the eyeballs of the reader. People always want to learn some additional ways to do the same work, That’s the reason behind the popularity of huge listing articles. Because they provide a large list of ways to do a single thing. People find sharing these kinds of articles interesting, and others also love to read them.
Remember one thing that I am saying about 25,30,40 list posts here, it doesn’t include the 3,4 lists post.
Huge Lists posts mostly get Viral of social media sites and generate a lot of traffic to their author’s blogs.
Here is some kind of Huge lists posts:
44 Ways to gain free backlinks (Nancybadillo.com)
20 Social media problems and solutions (aha-now.com)
Blueprint to Write Huge list posts:
1. Think and write down long lists of ideas
2. Arrange them in ascending or descending order.
3. Write an eye-catching title. (Often starts with a number)
2. Arrange them in ascending or descending order.
3. Write an eye-catching title. (Often starts with a number)
The Final word:
You can drive a huge number of traffic and can get a large number of social shares and RT’s by writing the content in the form of these post types. This will help you expanding your audience and also in Building a Loyal readership for your blog. Always remember to write unique and amazing content, Spend time crafting your post. Because your content will only be loved by the reader if it worth’s reading.
Let me know, what you think about these post types? and Which post types you have found getting more shares and Re tweets?
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