The Village Gardner
*Episode 17*
As i settled down, all eyes were on me.
C.SIMON; Tobe, Tobe, Tobe, how many times did i called you?.
ME; (i no count am).three times sir.
C.SIMON; Is it true of what am hearing?.
ME; Sir i don’t understand please.
C.SIMON; I was told that you beat up my daughter here Anabel. Is that true?.
ME; Eerm eerm sir, not really. I was i was (Anabell cut in).
ANABELL; You was what. Dad, this imbecile here hit me on my chest (my people, did i hit her on her chest?.no be just slap i give her).
C.SIMON; So you are trying to lie to me right.
ME; No sir o. I didn’t hit her o. Is just slap. but it wasn't intentional sir please believe me, she pushed me.
C.SIMON; Just shut up my friend, upon everything that i am doing for you. I brought you out from the village. I gave you a new life to live. I employed you as my gardner not for free. i was paying you handsomely.
ME; Sir please. (shup up let me finish.he cut in.
C.SIMON; So you turn my daughter to a punching bag right. Haven't they told you that i don’t use my children to joke. You dare raise this your hand on my daughter. I don’t know what to say to you right now. I feel like killing you with my own hands. I feel like locking you up for the rest of your life. Do you want to kill her eeeh. Did you know the damage you have caused me.
ME; Sir with due respect. I didn’t hit your Anabel. I only slapped her. It wasn’t my fault. She was always looking for my trouble ever since i came into this house. I don’t know what wrong i did to her. She hate me with no reason. She called me names, she insulted my family because we are poor. Is that fair?. I always tried to avoid her but today she splash a full bucket of water on me with no reason. I couldn’t held my anger any more, that was why i slapped her which made her to loss conscious. Sir i regretted my action and am sorry for that.
I went close to Anabel and held her hands but she pushed me away. Still i didn’t give up rather i went more closer to her and said.
ME; Anabel, I am sorry if i had done any wrong against you. Forgive me, i apologize. i am sorry for hitting you.
ANABEL; Apology not accepted. Get out from my sight..(i quetly left her sight to my sit).
C.SIMON; Well Tobe. I wanted to lock you up in police cell, but i have change my mind to that. I won’t sack you by myself but by the victim you hit. Anabel will decide your fate whether you will continue working here or not. If she say you should continue then fine. But if she said you should be sacked then you have no choice than to go back to your village.
C.SIMON; So Anabel, Do you want tobe to continue working or do you want him to go back to the village. Just make your choice and it will be done.
Every were went silent like a grave yard. Anabel was looking at me quietly while Isabella was giving her the eyes of "don’t sack him please." I deviated my eyes to Isabella and our eyes met instantly. She was looking at me while i was looking back at her. Anabel was still silent. I wasn’t afraid to be sacked but i was afraid that i will miss the city and especially Isabella. I strongly believe that Anabel will surely want me to go back to were i come from. She hate me with passion so the result has already been called. But what is she waiting for na. Why don’t she say it once and for all let me go and pack my things and go.
Three(3) minutes gone. Anabel was still silent staring at me..
C.SIMOM; *clear throa* Anabel we are still waiting for you.
ANABEL; Dad, i am not in the mood to talk. Lets prosponed it till tomorrow please.
C.SIMON; Are you sure of that?.
ANABEL; Yes dad, tomorrow am gonna make my finally decision.
C.SIMON; Okay! if you say so. Tobe, for now you can go back to your room till tomorrow.
ME; Alright sir thank you.
I left the room without looking back nor said any other word to them. Tomorrow i will try and make peace with Isabella before my final departure. i said to myself.
I went to my bed and slept off comfortably. Maybe this gonna be my last time to sleep here again.
I was triming some of the flowers down. I was through with the triming and i was going back to my room to freshen up. I looked up and saw Anabel coming. She came closer to me and said.
ANABELLA; Tobe good morning. How was your night? *she asked, staring at me*
Heeeh. i shouted. Hope am not dreaming. Anabel is greeting me for the first time. Wonders shall never end. Maybe is a good bye greeting., who knows.
I walked pass her without replying her greeting, she should go to hell. when did she start to care. I hate her..
Sunday, 22 May 2016
About Chigboken -
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