Sunday, 22 May 2016



The Village Gardner

*Episode 11*

The day being the 30th of the month, chief Simon paid me my salary. The sum of twenty five thousand naira. chai! see me see twenty five thousand naira. Infact am the richest guy in town. You want try me. I had no bank account to deposit the money. So i kept the money inside my room. I wanted to go and visit my mother and especially see my Tochi. I really missed her alot. But my boss, chief Simon didn’t grant me my request to go and see them. Well no problem, i will see them soon. During those period, i avoided Anabel as if she was a mess and fortunate for me she didn’t come my way. As for isabella, we only see once in a week, coz of her school. Everything was going well with me. I was looking very fresh and handsome, because of the frequent AC in my room. No more the village boy they use to know. I was very happy within me.
Anabel started her madness again. I was washing some of my dirty clothes one faithful afternoon when Anabel drove in with her boyfriend. I kept washing my clothes, I didn’t talk to them. She shouted my name from were she stood with her boyfriend urging me to come. I left the clothes i was washing and went to answer her.
Heey. Her boyfriend called me. I gave him the eyes of don’t call me hey again.
ME; Anabel, you called me.
ANABEL; Yes i called you. I want you to take this money and buy cigarette for my boyfriend, understood. Please be fast. Her boyfriend added.
ME; (i became quiet. What do this two people take me for. A house boy or what, who they can send message any time they want?.hmm.i have seen mess indeed).
ANABEL; Are you deaf, Tobe or what ever you call youself. Take this money now and buy what i asked you to buy and don’t forget to bring the change…she handed me one thousand naira note.
Humbly and quietly i took the money from her and went away without saying any other word to them. I left the clothes i was washing and zoomed off. Jumbo, Jumbo abeg come open the gate for me. I called the gate man.
JUMBO; Aah, oga Tobe You dey comot.(he opened the gate.).
ME; Yes o. Make i buy something. Shebi you dey drink beer? i asked him.
JUMBO; Yes o. I like beer well well.
ME; Ok, i dey come.
I left jumbo there and went away. I strolled to the next street and stopped at one madam Kechi’s restaurant. i went inside the restaurant and sat down. Customer welcome sir. Madam Kechi said to me.
ME; Madam Kechi good day.
M.KECHI; Welcome, weting we go give you.
ME; Okay, (i brought out the one thousand naira note Anabel gave me). Give me two bottles of beer and a plate of pepper soup for me. (Anabel and her stupid boyfriend. I don’t know what they take me for, maybe a f**l. i must lavish this money here, nonsense people.).
M.kech; Is that all?.
ME; Yes, for now.
Within some minutes, she placed my order of two bottles of beer and pepper soup….i took them slowly till i consumed the beer and the pepper soup.
Madam Kechi. I called again. come here immediately or… She came as i commanded her. Give me another two bottles, one for me and one for my gate man. Sorry the gate man Jumbo. She brought the two beer as i ordered. I drank one making it three bottles. I became high in spirit, very high. My eyes started showing me many things. If i think something, my brain will be calculating another thing. That is the power of beer.
How much is your money. I asked her. She replied one thousand naira. I gave her the one thousand naira Anabel gave me and asked her to keep the change. *lols*.
An hour later. I managed to reach home. I knocked and jumbo open the gate for me. I handed him the bottle of beer that i bought for him. (beside it’s not my money, why won’t i give him).
JUMBO; Oga Tobe, thank you very much.
ME; Don’t mention my boy. If you like you can swallow the bottle.(i said in a drunken mood).
JUMBO; But are you drunk?.
ME; Is your father that is drunk not me. Do i look like am drunk.
JUMBO; Sorry o.
I looked up and saw Anabel’s car which showed that they were still around. What will be my fate now. I have lavished the money she gave me. Taa! they won’t do anything jooh. How can they send a whole grown up man like me to buy cigarette for her boyfriend that looks like chimpanzee. Is that not crazy?.i even fine pass the boy self.(mitchew) Any way that is not my business let me go and face my fate.
I went and resume the washing of my clothes in the same drunken mood. Some minutes later i saw them, Anabel and her hubby walking towards me.
ANABEL; What were you doin. What kept you so long?eeh.
B.FRIEND; Where is the cigarret.
ME; *clear throat*. What did you guys asked me to buy first. I forgot.
B.FRIEND; You are a bloody f**l to asked me that question.
ME; What do you guys take me for, a messenger or a house boy. How can you guys especially you *pointing at Anabel* asked a grown up man like me to buy cigarette for your good for nothing boyfriend here.
ANABEL; Don’t ever in your life insult my hubby again. Are you drunk?.
B.FRIEND; I don’t have your time. Where is my money?.
ME; Which money.
B.FRIEND; The money that i gave you.
ME; Ooh that, the money has gone. I bought some beer for myself.
ANABEL; What?.



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