Sunday, 22 May 2016



The Village Gardner

*Episode 15 A*

Tochi what happened. Why did you do this to me. Eeh, just two months i was away and you are already pregnant. Is that fair? I thought you say you love me. (i asked her after we finally settled down).
TOCHI; *in tears* I dey sorry. I love you well well Tobem.
ME; Who got you pregnant?.
She was silent for some minutes. She was ashamed to look at my face. She open her mouth to speak but no word came out. Instead she knelt down and started begging all over again….Tochi see i have forgiven you. I have nothing against you, just that i am heartbroken right now and i feel like to skin you alive and bury you for betraying me and the trust i have for you. Who got you pregnant?. I asked one more time.*in an angry tone*.
TOCHI; Is is eerm…(i cut her in) is who?.
TOCHI; Uche, is uche.
ME; *confused* which Uche are you talking about.
TOCHI; Uche your friend.
Chim oo. *i shouted* you mean Uche my friend got you pregnant?.(she nodded). You open your leg for Uche. Tochi you are a disgrace to womanhood. chai! Uche has sold me at my back. I trusted him as a friend. Uche why, is it a crime to have a friend again?. *tears started dropping from my eyes*. Both of you have betrayed me. If i may ask, how did he do it?.(i ask one of the most stupid question).
TOCHI; He asked me to come to his house that he want to show me something. I went to his house, then he said lets do it that he won’t tell you. He started touching me all over my body. I told he to stop but he did not stop, then we we do it.
ME; Just like that.
ME; Why didn’t you run the time he was touching you, eeh you just open your leg for him just like that. Infact Tochi i don’t know what to say to you now. You should go and marry him coz i won’t have another person’s child.
TOCHI; I am sorry, you are the one i love o not uche.
ME; You said you love me and you have the guts to sleep with no other person but uche of all people. Well i have forgiven you already, goodluck with you both. I bought this for you(i handed her the nylon) that is for you.
TOCHI; Thank you, please don’t hate me. I still love you Tobe.
ME; I am not God. i won’t hate you. We will still be friends but not like before. I have to go now, am going back to the city tomorrow. Take care of yourself and Uche’s baby.
I stood up and left. She tried calling me back but it was too late. I headed to Uche’s house to congratulate him for what he did to my Tochi. When he saw me, he wanted to run away he never expected to see me at that time, but i called him back. He stopped running and stood. I went closer to him without any frown on my face. Heey Uche how far?. I gave him my hand for a shake. He was standing, his body was shaking. Shake me na. *i said to him* or is your mind judging you for your evil act?
UCHE; Eerm Tobe., am sorry abeg forgive me. I don’t know what lead me to that act. I have betrayed you as a friend, i don’t deserve to be your friend any more. But i beg you no use am against me.
ME; Uche, i don’t know what to say to your. You didn’t see any other girl in this village to sleep with, na my Tochi wey you come see. You are very wicked and evil, did i offend you in any way throughout my stay in this village? Which made you to pay me back by impregnating my Tochi. Is only God that will judge you.
UCHE; You didn’t offend me in any way. Na devil’s work, i dey sorry abeg. (he knelt down).
ME; I have forgiven you f**l. God always forgives us our sin so why won’t i forgive you. Stand up.
UCHE; Thank you Tobe. God bless you.
ME; What plan do you have for her now. Coz am no longer interested in the relationship again.
UCHE; If you are not interested with her any more, i will marry her.
ME; Hmmm, so you are happy now abi. Thank your stars that i am in a good mood. You would have seen the worst side of me. bas**rd. You can go ahead and marry her, but from today henceforth our friendship will not be strong as before. good day.
I left his house to mine. He tried all his best to call me back but i paid deaf ear to him. I have lost two best friends i have in a day.WHAT A LIFE SELF.

Mama i will be going today.
G.MAMA; So soon, i thought you will stay till next week.
ME; No mama, i want to go and continue my work.
G.MAMA; Now that Tochi is out of your life. What is your next plan. Why don’t you marry Uzoma now. I have told you before that she is a good girl. she is not like Tochi that betrayed you. She will make a good wife to you. Her parents are good people too.
ME; Ooh mama not again. Okay i have heard you. I will think about it, but for now i have to go.
G.MAMA; Okay my son, take care of yourself.
ME; Alright, bye bye. *i gave her some money and left*
I took my bag and left for the city.
On my way, my phone started ringing.i check the screen and it was no other person than Isabella. I rejected her call and switch of my phone.



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